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15mm Sci Fi - GZG Anti-Tank Guns & ESU Crew

This weekend was quite productive: 80+ miniatures painted, including two towed anti-tank gun teams.

GZG Towed Anti-Tank Guns

I have been meaning to paint these for years; not sure what finally made me get around to these.  The scheme was simple: ESU camo pattern on the crew and a color modulation green on the guns.
  • Vallejo NATO Green Primer
  • Vallejo Camo Black Green over the whole model.
  • Vallejo Camo Green on all upper gun areas.
  • Vallejo Camo Light Green on exposed areas
  • Vallejo Light Green (from the Russian modulation kit) as a final highlight on exposed areas).
  • Vallejo Matte Black on the wheels.
  • Vallejo Gun Metal on ammo cannisters.
  • Washed in thinned Minwax Polyshades Tudor
  • Tamiya Weathering pigments (Light Green and Sand)

The crew are removable.  They are held in place with blue tac.  I struggled with the decision on whether to base the crew permanently to the base along with the gun.  In the end I decided that the gun was more akin to a vehicle rather than an infantry support weapon.  By making the crew removable I could accommodate both the rules from Tomorrow's War and allow different crews (i.e. non ESU troops) to man the guns.   

Overall I am pleased with the outcome.  I have another two guns to complete, but they will likely be im the field artillery versions rather than anti-tank guns.

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