This week’s best cover is Army of Darkness: From the Ashes #3.
Jack of Fables #16, DC Comics. I liked the Jack O’ Lantern on the cover so I picked up this Halloween story in the sprit of the season.
Sword of Red Sonja: Doom of the Gods #2, Dynamite Entertainment.
Army of Darkness: From the Ashes #3, Dynamite Entertainment.
Battlestar Galactica: Pegasus #1, Dynamite Entertainment.
Men of Mystery: Spotlight Special The Nedor Heroes #1, AC Comics. Reprints a sampling of the Golden Age superheroes from Nedor comics including the Black Terror. They were popular comic books in their day but eventually Nedor went out of business and their characters became public domain. This black and white reprint would be of interest to folks picking up Dynamite Entertainment’s new take on the Nedor characters, Superpowers. That’s why I bought it, I had to special order it through previews though.
Trade Paperbacks:
Conan and the Midnight God Dark Horse.
El Cazador Disney. One of the best pirate comics ever! From the inside cover: “El Cazador the widely popular and critically acclaimed comic book series, sailed for a mere six issues from October to 2003 to June 2004, a casualty of the shuttering CrossGen comics. For the first time ever, all six stunning, high-octane issues are bound together to tell the story of Lady Sin and quest for vengeance.”
The Last page does says "to be continued." Could Disney actually be thinking of reviving El Cazador?
Alter Ego #73 TwoMorrows publishing. Came out last week. Interesting articles on the old Crime Does Not Pay comic from the golden age.
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