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Another Week

 Well, we're into another week. I really don't have a lot to report.

I started off the week getting a couple of things done that I've been meaning to do. I shall mark that up as a plus. There are a couple more things I am hoping to get done this week but we shall see. 

It's been so beautiful here in Michigan. Well, there were a couple of days (the weekend of course) when it rained quite a bit, but Spring has definitely sprung early here. There was even some blossom blooming on the trees. It's really wonderful to see. 

I had my second Covid vaccine. No side effects. It's nice to know that it's done. My daughter got her first one on Friday too so pretty soon our whole family (on this side of the pond) will be fully vaccinated. It makes me a little more hopeful for things to come. 

Still not a lot on the crafty front. I am keeping up with my daily pages, but that's about it. 

I hope I will have more to report!

Photo for today - I took this with my phone Saturday morning. Husband and I were on our way out for a walk to a new park. We passed by the place I walk each weekday morning and saw the most beautiful sunrise. There was a slight mist and the sun just hit things right so we pulled over for this. 

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